RMY Top Quality Himalayan Salt Crafted Cube Salt Lamps :
RMY Himalayan Salt Lamps Diffused enhances the ambiance in
any room, and RMY Himalayan Salt RMY crystal Lamps take it to the next level,
because they emit energizing negative ions when the RMY Himalayan RMY crystal
rock salt heats up. Plus, the production of the RMY Himalayan Salt RMY crystal
Lamp uses no chemicals (its handwork, mostly). Unlike other decorative or
household products that are made of salt rocks and wood bases, onyx bases, RMY Himalayan
Salt RMY crystal Crafted Lamps do not pollute and do not deplete natural
resources. The RMY crystal rock salt reserves in the Himalayas are incredibly
large at the current extraction rate it would take thousands of years to even
make a dent in them.
Enhance your home decor with this beautiful and invigorating
RMY Himalayan Rock Salt RMY crystal Crafted Lamps.
Benefits of Negative Ions:
Today, we can not imagine living without electric devices
that make it easier for us to work in the office and at home. Computer
terminals, fluorescent lighting, forced-air ventilation systems, and modern
building materials generate an overabundance of harmful positive ions sometimes
referred to as electric smog. Electric smog deteriorates the quality of air,
which negatively affects our physical and emotional state.
You may have experienced the positive power of negative ions
when you were recreating at a beach, walking beneath a waterfall or through a
pine forest. The air circulating at the beach and in the mountains is said to
contain tens of thousands of negative ions. "The action of the pounding
surf or sudden spring thunderstorms creates negative air ions. The ions are
generally produced by the action of cosmic rays, lightning and radon from the
earths crust.
RMY Himalayan crystal salt lamps emit negative ions by
heating the salt RMY crystals. When heated, the salt pulls water molecules from
the air to its surface and combines with the water, neutralizing positive ions
and their attendant pollution, and emitting the neutralized molecule back into
the environment. RMY crystal salt lamp acts as a natural air ionizer, boosting
the count of negative ions in the air.
Scientific studies show RMY crystal salt lamps can increase
the negative ion count up to 300%. Many Europeans and Australians are aware of
the benefits of negative ions to our health and well being. RMY crystal salt
lamps are a beautiful, maintenance-free, natural mood lighting alternative from
Mother Nature for improving air quality. With time, the RMY crystal salt lamps
do not reduce in size, color or shape, and dont lose weight or their ionizing
RMY Himalayan Salt crystals lamps are natural negative ions
generators. Salt is naturally hygroscopic which means it naturally attracts
moisture. The interaction of humid air with the surface of a RMY salt crystal
releases negative ions. When a RMY salt crystal is heated slightly, it
generates negative ions. In order to facilitate this, a small light bulb
usually 7 to 40 watts or tea light is placed inside a RMY salt crystal.
Therefore, it is important to remember that any RMY salt crystal lamp or tea
light holder under normal conditions will only generate negative ions when it
is warmed by the internal light bulb or tea light. The size of the RMY salt
crystal lamp and the conditions of the surrounding area, will ultimately
determine the radiant effect of a negative ion discharge.
If you have ever experienced the air at a waterfall, on a
mountain top, at the seashore, or after a thunderstorm, then you have
experienced the results of negative ions and you know how the air smells
fresher and how much easier it is to breathe.
RMY Himalayan natural salt lamps can:
1. Provide
relief from hay fever, asthma, allergies and sinuses related illnesses
2. Reduce
stress and depression
3. Increase
mental alertness and concentration
4. Enhance
immune system
5. Purify
6. Eliminate
odor around from smoking area
7. Reduce
EMF (Electro-magnetic pollution)
8. Aid in
healing process
9. Create
soothing, relaxing, calming and refreshing environment |